Celebrate food heritage.
The Cor de Tangerina project was born out of a profound act of respect for nature and people who, for 14 years, cultivated natural and integral food and close relationships. Our team of employees seeks, at every gastronomic moment, to take the best that nature has to nourish the body, mind and spirit of those who come to us. We understand food as a process of investigation, creation and revolution that aims to break with the alienating acceleration of contemporary ways of life and to print, at every opportunity, a revolutionary and harmonious perspective on being and being. We work with local producers, fair trade and organic farming in order to allow moments at the table of greater knowledge and growth; we incorporate an alchemy space in our kitchen where food is carefully transformed to enhance all the senses; we promote a service where each bite is new learning and where each person is respected as a unique and unrepeatable being. We venture into the mind-bending curve of flavor to recreate memories at the table that can lead to eternity. All of this work, managed holistically, requires time and a careful compass, so you can have the best experience possible. In this way, we are more than a restaurant: we are a space for learning, training, research and transformation. We try to work from the land to the table; from the table to the surrounding communities and, thus, perpetuating the food identity that we all weave together. This connection is full of subjectivity and challenges us to understand that time, love and life are complex manifestations but, when harmonized, allow us to be deeply. Living in this way, with simplicity, is the greatest wealth that we can have: embark on this journey, enjoy the wind passing over your face and celebrate the immense flame that is born from the encounter. Finally, and because the natural elements fill us with meaning in life, be it like water and flow. Breathe deeply and breathe out life and allow yourself to be nourished with our food philosophy. We feel gratitude for your courage. Chef Álvaro Dinis Mendes Chef Liliana Duarte June 2020